Why Do You Need An Accountability Partner?

The thing about being on your own when you are in your journey of transformation and not having any coach or accountability partner is that you can talk yourself out from completing it and you are prone at falling into inconsistency. 

If you really want to strengthen or solidify your practice / habit, get yourself an accountability partner or a coach for your fitness and health, for your mind, for your spirit. 

I like to talk about why I started posting this in the first place. 

Congruency, coherence, and alignment of mind, body, spirit is the ultimate reason why I am doing this - to practice it consistently everyday and to raise awareness at the same time. 

I advocate holistic health and wellness wherein not just one aspect of life is doing well but all aspects - mind, body, spirit because it's possible and it's what will help evolve humanity and the planet. 

The more people are aligned to their true nature, the more people will prefer finding and doing their true purpose instead of doing meaningless pursuits.

I have experienced imbalance before wherein unconsciously my only focus was to feed my mind with knowledge and I disregarded my body (ate all unhealthy food just to satisfy the cravings and I lived a sedentary lifestyle for years which led me to obesity) and I did not bother to tap on spirituality (I was too limited to physical, material, and science back then because I wasn't aware before that the spirit is our default, our Essence, our Source, our Being and the physical realm is merely an illusion). 

The result of that imbalance led me to anxiety and depression and physical problems - such are the manifestations that the soul is deprived and depleted already of its true nature, of life force, of prana, of energy. 

If you are experiencing those symptoms, you are probably living out of alignment hence feeling of emptiness and lack of direction in life. 

It's like you are doing something solely for material things and not for your true soul purpose / mission which is the only thing that can make you feel truly fulfilled.

Instead of blaming the system, our environment, or upbringing, focus our energy to creating and building anew. 

So now this is one of my ways to "reprogram" my mind, body, spirit as I live spiritually in harmony, in balance with my true nature and with my higher self well-integrated to the physical world. I hope you are too.

-Jem Ranoa of Zen City

Originally posted on my Facebook account, 2023 

Why Do You Need An Accountability Partner?
Zen City December 16, 2023
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