The Fabric of the Universe

The Fifth Element

The Universe speaks in an abstract sense. Just like any form of pursuit, the deeper we go in discovering the essence of life, the easier we will be able to fathom the meaning of our existence.

What we thought of as hidden is actually being presented in front of us every moment; ironically, we can’t see what life is presenting to us because most of us are dwelling in the past or worrying about the future, blurring it.

You might think: “What is the purpose of discovering the meaning of life when we know we can survive each day anyway?” I don’t want to be a sort of “spoiler” of what is coming when we continue to live in survival mode but our brains can’t take to live in survival mode for a long period of time. It has a breaking point. The nature of the healthy brain is in a state of balance. Living to survive is an imbalance towards the negative side because surviving is rooted in fear and scarcity. It is when we acknowledge that there’s more to this world than what our eyes can see, we will realize that there’s more to life than merely to survive.

Aether is consciousness, the spirit, the fabric of the universe. It is something that we cannot see but it’s something that exists just like the air that we breathe and the brain inside our head. In infinite spaces, we weave the life that our heart desires and through time it will come to fruition. The space is here and the time is now. It is the Ether that fills the space, the consciousness that weaves the fabric of the universe and it is our soul, and not our body, that understands its abstract language.

Our soul purpose, our true nature that is unique to every individual, is already embedded in our DNA. The veil of forgetfulness makes it hard for us to remember who we are and what we are here for; and at the same time, the influence of society and our attachment to external stimuli block our ability to be in tune with our true nature. The farther we are from our true nature, the sicker we become which can manifest as physical diseases or mental illnesses.

Mental symptoms of soul deprivation manifest as depression, anxiety, or both – daze/state of confusion. Unfortunately, not everyone in our society is aware of mental imbalances until it happens to one. It happened to me. I was there and I am here “now”. If we are in the “now”, we are in a Zen state. We are in tune with our true nature which is our higher selves. Once we are in tune, the Universe conspires in our favor so we do things effortlessly and we live in the abundance of limitless resources, vibrating only from love and gratitude because we know in the core of our hearts that we, with all our awareness, are consciously choosing to follow our soul path, our life purpose, with clarity and commitment, not influenced by limiting beliefs that we thought were true while we’re growing up because now our eyes can see “the beyond”.

To get to a Zen state of mind is not easy because the journey of a person is unique; but in this multidimensional realm that we live in, things are complex and life can get more complicated. We need each other to elevate and expand our consciousness and that is the main purpose of why I decided to start writing. Though this post is intended to be just a general sense of what I will write about, I will be writing in detail about some topics too. I dare to write about the truth because the moment we become aware of the nature of the universe and the essence of our existence, everything we do will become mission-driven as we live life in a much meaningful way.

The Fabric of the Universe
Zen City November 28, 2023
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