Medicine from the Indigenous Amazon Tribes

A lot of foreigners all over the world travel to Amazon in South America and spend thousands of dollars just to experience the grounding, healing, and uplifting effect of the Sacred Hapéy administered by a Shaman. (You can search about Rapé or Hapéy on You Tube)

I’m so glad I met Guro Tashi (of Lakbay sa Diwa Healing Ceremony) a true Shaman who is committed to his mission on guiding people towards their healing and Spiritual enlightenment, a Martial Artist, Psychedelic Plant Ceremonies Expert, and Spirit Scientist who, through his connections in the Amazon tribe within the Native American / shamanism community, brought the Hapéy (authentic 7 herbs and Tsunu ash from a Sacred tree) and Peruvian Ayahuasca here in the Philippines. 

Every month during their fullmoon event, I see to it that I get to receive Hapéy administered by Tashi. All chakras (energy points in the body) are open and aligned. Blockages are removed. Negative energies are released. New profound insights and realization are flowing. Thank you.

*This post can cause cognitive dissonance to some and that’s given because for so many years we were indoctrinated, we were raised to believe in institutional programming and we got used to just conform blindly. I understand that it takes a certain level of awareness and consciousness to be able to see the true nature of the Universe so all we have is uncondional love and compassion to those who are still trapped in the matrix.

Thanks for capturing this moment. Alpas Argente / Alpas Vision

Originally posted to my Facebook account on January 21, 2022 which garnered  1.4k likes and 2.5k shares from light workers and curious souls seeking healing and soul rejuvenation.

Medicine from the Indigenous Amazon Tribes
Zen City December 16, 2023
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