Getting Back On Track

Getting back on track.

When we are in process of creating a project, building a habit, or anything that we are pursuing, we tend to lose momentum when our attention is diverted and the problem now is "How to get back on track?".

When it comes to building a habit, according to Vishen Lakhiani instead of sticking to the old goal, increase the goal or the target - it's like compensating for the loss and at the same time you will feel more motivated and empowered. 

This is just one of the many hacks you can apply in whatever it is that you are creating, building, or doing now especially for the new year.

As for me, after finishing my 90-day blissipline, I will be restarting all over again simply because I missed days of posting and I aim for mastery and consistency and I have my whole life time to do this.

As they say, "who you are in one thing is who you are in everything else."

-Jem R. aka P. Devi of Zen City

Orginally posted to my Facebook account, 2023


Getting Back On Track
Zen City December 16, 2023
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