Welcome to The Zen City Holistic Living

Accelerate Your Holistic Transformation


Massive Transformative Purpose: 

To raise the planet's vibration and accelerate humanity's holistic transformation.


To lead people towards Holistic Living  -the alignment of mind, body, and soul.

One Soul A Day.


I envision a conscious planet where everyone is self-aware, in-tune with nature, living one's highest potential. Together we celebrate true freedom and abundance!

What does it look like to live a holistic life?

How wonderful it is when all aspects of your life are aligned, balanced, and integrated? 

Nurturing family, loving relationships, 

thriving career and business, 

healthy and fit body, 

uncorrupted mind, 

healed heart, 

and a nourished soul.

How does it feel that nothing is being "compromised"? 

How does it feel to have cultivated a strong foundation rooted to your "True Nature"?

Refusing to be controlled by societal standards and expectations...

Not giving a heck of what other people think of you.

There are people who will easily dismiss it saying, 

"You will have to compromise something in order to get something."

Of course, life is a never ending journey.

But if you have a lifetime to do it,

Wouldn't you achieve mastery by constantly refining and polishing what you are practicing? 

Instead of resorting to stay in the same situation just because you believe it's too good to be true in this age,

We focus on Progress.

They said we have multiple lifetimes to live to achieve perfection.

I said, why not go FULL OUT NOW?

In THIS lifetime, yes.

The good news is...

(And we all know this already)

 That it is possible to release all the programming that is not you and not serving you towards your highest potential.

Come to think about it.

You didn't choose which country you were born, family and religion you belong to.

You didn't even choose your name and identity.

What if there's more to you than your programming?

What I am just saying it, have you really explored the depths of your soul?

It is possible to REMEMBER who you truly are.

It is possible to live your most AUTHENTIC SELF without fear of judgement.

Is it hard?

Will it take time? 


But it's WORTH IT.

Heaven is worth it. Nirvana is worth it.

I'm not talking about Heaven up in the clouds as a perfect place afterlife we go to 

but rather a STATE OF BEING. 

Wherein every step of the way feels blissful as you walk your chosen path.

As Heaven is On Earth.

Gone are the days sticking to the idea that you have to die to experience heaven.

And guess what? I don't mind if we have different beliefs and practices.

Whatever you wanna call your bliss, we're good.

You see, I don't do this to to make everyone believe what I say.

I do this for those who can resonate because we have different paths.

I followed my own heart so I like you to follow yours as well.

One has to go through awakening to be fully into the heart space.

To realize a life free from others' control.

Just like you, I have challenges and struggles too as I started to

trail blaze my own path of Holistic Living.

(All of us experience challenges so why not choose to be in the path wherein it's going to be authentically truth to your purpose than be challenged and struggle walking someone else's dictation how you live your life.)

Yet I was willing to go through that "Dark Night of the Soul" in order to get back to my "center".

I didn't even know there is a "center" or "core" to begin with before.

I was just living life based on what the world around me says so.

But the thing is, the world around us also reflects the world inside us.

And it took me the deepest rock bottom to finally figure it out.

Because again, it's WORTH IT!

You know why?

Living with a mask is harder. 

A lot of people don't even realize they are just "wearing" a mask.

A lot of people don't understand why they don't have this deep connection in life.

Most are okay with surface level pursuits to be safe and stay in the comfort zone.

The truth is...

Living with a lot of fears and worries get so much of your energy.

When in the first place there's nothing to fear and worry about.

Isn't it that when you lack energy, you tend to get it from other people?

And to go deeper than that...

If you've been hurt by someone in the past, you tend to project your pain or trauma towards other people, draining their energy.

And when you live your life dependent on other people for a long period of time,

that is when you start to lose yourself...

You lose your center.

You lose your true nature.

Because one tends to submit to control of others just to survive, not knowing there the abundance of live around to thrive.

Some people tend to get that energy from something else that you thought is limited and scarce,

Only to find out there is a way to generate and contain the energy within and that you can have MORE... 

Because ultimately, the Universe is Limitless.

There for we are as vast and as limitless.

Being in the survival mode is simply the result of living in fear.

What if you can simply connect to the limitless energy Source?


It's simple to connect to the Infinite Source.

But how come a lot of people refuse to acknowledge it? 

Simply because they DON'T KNOW what and how.

It's simple yet it doesn't mean it's easy.

We have a lot of programming to unlearn, limiting beliefs to break.

This is why I, along with all other brave souls who are walking the path of authenticity, 

are here to lead more and more people towards holistic living.

The congruence of Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Because the disconnection and misalignment result to further unpleasant karmic experiences.

While we're here in the material world, we aim to cultivate blissful karmic experiences:

love, joy, happiness, wealth, and sense of freedom.

If you are one of us, be seen, be heard, and stay connected.

We are all in the "journey" after all -- some of us are just not aware that we are.

Some of us get ahead, but all will eventually get to the ultimate destination.

Sabi nga, walang paunahan dito. Tulungan at suportahan tayo.

The world needs more light.

We need each other.

Collectively, let's aim to accelerate humanity's holistic transformation.

Because again, It's WORTH IT.

And through that...


All Is Well.

- Jem, Zen City Founder.

The Most High Affirmation


I am grateful for the overflowing love and abundance I openly and constantly receive with ease every single day.

I am grateful for the existence and the presence of the beautiful souls in my life.

I aim to serve and support these people who choose to be in my life. 

I am easily able to find ways on “how can I serve?”

I appreciate the natural and little things in life. 

I live in the present moment as I live here in Heaven on Earth.

I am grateful for the mysteries of the cosmos, the magic of life, and power of sun and moon’s divine energy.

I am grateful for the plants, animals, and all living things across the realms that work together as we live harmoniously on Earth and beyond.

I live my life with meaning, purpose, and sense of mission. 

I am a conscious co-creator of the Universe. 

What I think, say, and do is the Divine expressing itself for me and through me. 

I trust and surrender that all things work together for the highest good.

My loved ones and I are Divinely guided and protected no matter where we are. 

I have no fear, doubt, and worry because God is with me and within me and therefore... 


I practice non-attachment, non-judgment, and nonresistance to what is aligned to my soul purpose.

I forgive easily and wholeheartedly. 

I gracefully release all the people and things that pull me to lower vibration. 

I let go all that are no longer in alignment to my highest good.

I repel self-serving people in my life.

All people and things that are no longer in vibrational alignment with my highest good disappear from my life seamlessly and gracefully without drama, judgment, and attachment as I wish them well from the distance.

I refuse to engage and give energy to anything that drains my power.

I naturally attract amazing and wonderful people and things that bring me love, joy, support, and encouragement. 

I magnet people who keep me in the state of bliss and abundance. 

As an expression of gratitude to the Cosmos, 

I keep myself fit, healthy, and beautiful Divine being.

My intention is to operate with humility, love, compassion, consistency, and excellence.

I dedicate the rest of my life serving, as I live in my highest vibration.

And by the time I am turning over my life back to our Source,

I know I gave my all out love and my full out effort in playing the infinite game of life in this finite world...

by living my purpose, my dream, my highest potential – through my talents, abilities, skills, knowledge, and wisdom.

And the Source of Everything, says back to me, 

“Well done.”

How ca​n I serve you?

​ Learn from my FREE contents here:

Read my blogs here

Watch my short videos on Tiktok

Watch my Vlogs/Podcast on YouTube

Be updated through my Facebook Page

How can I serve you further?

Check out my services below:

person using laptop computer beside aloe vera

Coaching and Consultation

₱2500 | $45

1 hour

Let's talk about where you are right now and discuss which direction your higher self intends to go. Now, with series of exploratory questions prepared for you, let's explore what your current blockages and limiting beliefs are that block the road and stagnate your growth. 

How long have you been figuring things out on your own? You notice time is running fast and you find yourself with no time, limited money, and less energy so you are finally open to ask support. If this resonates with you, go through our discovery form here. Let's deep dive into the depths of you soul.

brown glass bottle on white textile

Workshops, Ceremonies, and Retreats

Starts at  ₱5,000 | $90 /person 


The time has come that you are having this sudden awareness that your soul is craving for the nourishment that it has long been deprived of. The energy is shifting so you are awakening to the highest version of yourself and you are ready to take on a journey. 

So here we are creating a safe and healing space for you to heal your soul. With our vast connection of facilitators and energy workers, we have various of workshops, rituals, retreats, healing modalities that we offer for your team, or your family which can be crafted based on your specific needs. Explore Our Services.

Oracle Card Reading

₱1,500 | $25 

1 hour

via Remote or in-person

A combination of Oracle card and intuitive Tarot card reading, let me channel what you need to know.

This is not "fortune-telling" rather this serves as guidance to bring clarity to what seems to be vague in your life - what has been unnoticed and unresolved.

We do not underestimate the beauty and guidance that the Oracle and Tarot cards offer as it is also a form of holistic healing that helps you gain insights to what your next steps are or which solutions are possible at the moment. Book your slot here.

*10% of the profit earned from all Zen City services offered will be used or donated to Haribon Foundation, Zen City Annual Indigenous Peoples Outreach, Zen City Urban Garden Project, or other future Zen City Projects. (See Projects Tab)

Feeling Grateful?

Feel Free to Support and 

Make a Donation.

Small or large, your contribution is essential in helping Zen City deliver its mission through various promotions, activities, and future projects.

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